Christiansburg Izaak Walton League of America

June Meeting Highlights

Upcoming Events

  • Jun 22: Private event (Pavilion & clubhouse reserved)
  • Jun 29: Church Security Training (One pistol bay reserved)
  • Jul 2:  Women’s Defensive Pistol Class
  • Jul 15-19: Mayapple School Summer Camp (Pavilion reserved)
  • Aug 24: Battle of the Badges

Notes & Highlights

  • Immediate need for help with the recycling
  • Pollinator garden build is underway
  • Battle of the Badges – Aug 24
    • Preston Woodrum presented on the past events, the strong interest in this year’s event, and needs for this year
    • As always, volunteers are needed and appreciated
  • Annual elections in August
    • 3 open board positions
    • Officer openings and re-election