4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Montgomery County 4-H offers many programs and activities for area youth, ages 5 to 18. These include community clubs, special interest clubs, after-school programs, day and residential camps, and leadership opportunities.
The Shooting Education program uses shooting as a vehicle to teach youth ages 9 to 19 life skills such as responsibility, self-discipline, and teamwork. The following disciplines are used to teach these life skills – archery, muzzleloading, pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Through these disciplines, youth also learn firearm safety and marksmanship. Montgomery County 4-H provides programming in shooting education through its NRV Sharpshooters 4-H Club. Certified 4-H shooting instructors for the club offer opportunities in archery, rifle, and shotgun disciplines. The club holds practices at Izaak Walton League Park on Tuesday afternoons and encourages club members to participate in local shooting competitions such as the State 4-H Shooting Competition.
For more information about the Virginia 4-H shooting education program, visit this website: https://ext.vt.edu/4h-youth/nree/shooting.html. For information about the NRV Sharpshooters Club, contact Michelle Dickerson, 4-H Extension Agent at 540-382-5790 or adickerson@vt.edu.