Christiansburg Izaak Walton League of America

Brinton Sherwood


.22 Range Improvements photo

Hunter Education Class

Fellow Ikes- John Copeland will be teaching a hunter education class at the club on Saturday September 24th from 9:00am – 4:00pm. Hunter education is required for anyone 12 and older wishing to purchase a hunting license for the first time. This event is open to the public and all age groups. Register here Some additional […]

Thanks, and Workday

Fellow Ikes Thanks to everyone who has helped make the park accessible over the past few weeks. Your effort is truly appreciated. We have a workday scheduled this Saturday starting @  8:00. We’ll continue storm damage cleanup, focusing on range accessibility, road, and pond access. Regards, Mike Brosius

Recent Posts

Family Day – Sunday, Aug 27

Fellow Ikes- We will have a Family Day Sunday August 27th. Bring family/friends and come enjoy the park and see the clubhouse renovations if you haven’t already. Will open the trap range for anyone who wants to try and have some food. We’re still working out the details, but will start around noon or 1:00. […]

July Chapter Meeting Highlights

Upcoming Events  Sunday, Aug 27 – Members Family Day Items of Note Review the National Office annual renewal status The new DNS/website name is live: Clubhouse renovation nearing completion Discuss pond spillway upgrades, potential pond depth increase Discuss possible range upgrades via grants Discuss pollinator gardens to benefit the student events and improve the […]

Ponds are Stocked


Fish Stocking and Meeting

Fellow Ikes-  We’ll move the fish this Sat 4/22 @ 9:00AM in preparation for Fishing Rodeo. We have 500 big fish to move so help is needed. Meeting this Thur. We plan to have a guest speaker for the membership meeting representing Project Healing Waters. They help provide disabled veterans therapy through fishing. Regards, Mike […]

Stormwater Days and missing bench bag

Stormwater Days on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ranges are closed from 8:00 to 3:30 both days.

Adopt-A-Highway pickup

Adopt A Highway Results from March 25, 2022

On Saturday, March 25, five members collected 23 bags of trash along our dedicated stretch of Den Hill Road. Thanks gentlemen!

VA State Meeting and Stormwater Days

We are hosting the VA State IWLA quarterly meeting this Sat. Feel free to attend, and help is needed. Stormwater Days are Apr 4, 5. All ranges closed until 3PM each day. Volunteers please arrive by 8:30.

April Events

Workday is cancelled due to the state IWLA meeting. Stormwater Days is approaching, volunteers still needed. Same for our fishing rodeo.

Adopt-A-Highway This Saturday (March 25th)

Ed Gust will be leading our Adopt a Highway commitment this Sat Mar 25th from 8-10. Please meet at the park entrance.

March Chapter Meeting Highlights

News Bylaws update – We are clarifying and cleaning up the wording and language of the Chapter bylaws Thank you letter from MCPS Bellview 1st graders for their recent field trip Upcoming events MCPS Stormwater days is coming up, and attendance is growing Email for information, or to volunteer Squirrel workshop in October Fishing […]