Christiansburg Izaak Walton League of America

Brinton Sherwood


.22 Range Improvements photo

Hunter Education Class

Fellow Ikes- John Copeland will be teaching a hunter education class at the club on Saturday September 24th from 9:00am – 4:00pm. Hunter education is required for anyone 12 and older wishing to purchase a hunting license for the first time. This event is open to the public and all age groups. Register here Some additional […]

Thanks, and Workday

Fellow Ikes Thanks to everyone who has helped make the park accessible over the past few weeks. Your effort is truly appreciated. We have a workday scheduled this Saturday starting @  8:00. We’ll continue storm damage cleanup, focusing on range accessibility, road, and pond access. Regards, Mike Brosius

Recent Posts

Meeting and Fishing Rodeo

March Chapter meeting speakers, Chapter Fishing Rodeo needs volunteers, MCPS Stormwater days needs volunteers

Workday and Upcoming Events

Clubhouse remodel workday, guest speakers, fishing rodeo and stormwater days approaching, action pistol mini-match, other news

Toys for Tots 2022 award

February Chapter Meeting Highlights

Highlights from the meeting. No quorum, thus no official business was conducted.

Feb 16th Meeting

Chapter meeting reminder. WEAR YOUR BADGE PLEASE. Still need hands to help with the clubhouse remodel.

Clubhouse Remodel

Thanks to everyone who showed up today. We made a lot of progress in what will be a fantastic upgrade. It was amazing to see the skill of the members in action.

Feb 11th Help Needed

Please come help tomorrow if you can. We have a lot of demolition, cleanup, framing, and drywall to hang. We can use all the hands we can get.

Help Needed – Feb 11th Work Day

We need carpenters, demo, and cleanup hands this weekend. We especially need someone who can haul off the demo debris.

Work Day and Membership Cards

We will have a work day this Sat Feb 11th starting at 8:00AM. We are working on the club house remodel. We need electricians and drywall hangers and finishers. Please bring appropriate tools.

Work Day

We will have a work day this Sat Feb 4th from 8:00-12:00.

Renewals and New Members

Dates and deadlines for both new and renewing members