Christiansburg Izaak Walton League of America

Brinton Sherwood


.22 Range Improvements photo

Hunter Education Class

Fellow Ikes- John Copeland will be teaching a hunter education class at the club on Saturday September 24th from 9:00am – 4:00pm. Hunter education is required for anyone 12 and older wishing to purchase a hunting license for the first time. This event is open to the public and all age groups. Register here Some additional […]

Thanks, and Workday

Fellow Ikes Thanks to everyone who has helped make the park accessible over the past few weeks. Your effort is truly appreciated. We have a workday scheduled this Saturday starting @  8:00. We’ll continue storm damage cleanup, focusing on range accessibility, road, and pond access. Regards, Mike Brosius

Recent Posts

Membership Information Updated for 2023

We have reworked and updated all the membership information pages to prepare for 2023. Many of the changes focus on making the information easier to find and improve their readability. Here are the new and updated pages, many of these can be found under the Membership menu at the top of the page: New Members […]

Reminder – Rescheduled Workday

Reminder, we’ll have a workday Sat. Sept 10th from 8-12.

Workday Rescheduled: Now Sat. Sept. 10

Workday on Saturday, Sept. 10th from 8AM to 12PM.

Noun Project Website Work Icon

Workday on Saturday Sept. 10

Workday on Saturday, Sept. 10th from 8AM to 12PM.

Site Maintenance Notice

Our hosting provider is performing backend work until Aug 31. The website will experience an 4-6 hour outage when they get to our server.

August 2022 Members Meeting

Announcements, Elections Results,
Membership Dues Increase

John W Tobin Volunteer Award

Congratulations to Michael Brosius for receiving the IWLA Judge John W Tobin Chapter Volunteer Appreciation award for outstanding service to the club.

2022 Elections Reminder

We will be holding elections at 7:30 at our Aug 18th meeting.

In memoriam: Larry Sowers

At the July 21 board meeting, the Christiansburg IWLA chapter presented donations to local food pantries in memory of Larry Sowers