We had a successful Save Our Streams collection event. The results of the tests are forthcoming.
Blog Posts
Upcoming Events Deer workshop this Saturday, Oct 21 Battle of the Badges on Saturday, Nov 4 Meeting Notes Christiansburg Fishing Rodeo attracted over 100 kids 4-H held their awards banquet They appreciate the support we have given them Lawrence Tabor’s estate distribution Members only Currently planning a good way to hold the sale Pollinator Garden […]
Here’s a little sneak peak of what it’s like below the surface of the water in our trout run. Although we hope all of these fish have already been caught by the youth of our community, We are hoping this small clip of their life will lead to many educational opportunities yet to come.
Fellow Ikes- We will have a family day this Sun Aug 27th. We’ll open up the trap range and enjoy the park. We plan on starting at 10:00, break for lunch around 1:00 and then continue into the afternoon. If you don’t have a shotgun, I’m sure there will be one you can borrow to […]
Upcoming Events Family Day – Sunday, Aug. 27 at 1:00 PM Member family and friends are welcome Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect 4H Girls Archery – Sunday, Sept 24 Clubhouse and range will be reserved for the event Meeting Notes 2024 Dues & Fees Membership dues will increase approx. 15% […]
Fellow Ikes- We will be holding elections at the 8/17 meeting. We need to replace 3 outgoing Board of Director positions. Also, Anthony is stepping down as Membership Secretary. You may run for any officer position also. If you are interested in serving, please contact Pete at president@cburgiwla.org, myself or other board members. Regards, Mike Brosius
Fellow Ikes- Just a reminder of our scheduled work day for Tomorrow, Sat 8/5. We’ll start at 8:00. Brush can be trimmed along the road, weed eating, gutters of trout run need cleaning, trout run can be cleaned, range work, etc. Bring tools for the task you want to work on. Regards, Mike Brosius
Fellow Ikes- We will have a Family Day Sunday August 27th. Bring family/friends and come enjoy the park and see the clubhouse renovations if you haven’t already. Will open the trap range for anyone who wants to try and have some food. We’re still working out the details, but will start around noon or 1:00. […]
Upcoming Events Sunday, Aug 27 – Members Family Day Items of Note Review the National Office annual renewal status The new DNS/website name is live: nrviwla.org Clubhouse renovation nearing completion Discuss pond spillway upgrades, potential pond depth increase Discuss possible range upgrades via grants Discuss pollinator gardens to benefit the student events and improve the […]