Chapter meeting reminder. WEAR YOUR BADGE PLEASE. Still need hands to help with the clubhouse remodel.
We will have a work day this Sat Feb 11th starting at 8:00AM. We are working on the club house remodel. We need electricians and drywall hangers and finishers. Please bring appropriate tools.
Dates and deadlines for both new and renewing members
Renewals close soon, Name change was approved
Renewals, membership cards, hardship waivers
We are discussing the possibility of changing our name. While we will always officially be known as the Christiansburg/Montgomery chapter due to our charter, some feel this name does not adequately represent our impact to the region.
We will be stocking fish this Sunday at 1:00 if you are available to help.
Our new insurance carrier requires a waiver to be signed by all members. See post for more info.
Reminder of our Toys For Tots drive and raffle and the meeting Thur Dec 8th. Also, the Christmas Party is cancelled.