Christiansburg/Montgomery Chapter
The chapter was founded on June 20th, 1950. Caswell Graham, the sole surviving charter member, still attends the occasional meeting at age 89.
The original club location was on Falling Branch road with a pond about half the size of our lower pond today. The present 118 acre property was purchased from the Graham family on January 1st, 1959 – before nearby Interstate 81 was built. The clubhouse was the family residence of a former property owner, Capt. Knox, that was expanded in 1963. Capt. Knox and several family members are buried in a small cemetery just behind the clubhouse and caretaker residence.
The oldest membership cards known to exist are from 1971 when the membership initiation fee was $25.00 and the annual dues were $12.00
Evolution of the Clubhouse……and the Walnut Tree
The Early Days

The Clubhouse as a residence on the property. The date of this photo, and who was living in the residence at the time are unknown. Is the tree on the right the same walnut tree that is there today?
More Recent Times

Now the official IWLA Christiansburg/ Montgomery Clubhouse, this is the beginning of renovations in
1963. Those may be branches from the walnut tree in
the upper left
The Clubhouse Today

September 10th, 2012.
That walnut tree sure has grown!