About Us
Izaak Walton of Christiansburg is a 501c3 non profit organization that seeks to support community involvement in the outdoor sports and in conservation of our woods and waters. We are part of both Virginia Division of IWLA and the National Izaak Walton League of America.
Club Meetings
Board of Directors meeting – 3rd Thursday of each month, 6:30pm at the clubhouse
Membership meeting – 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30pm at the clubhouse
(All members welcome at both meetings)
Club Dues:
$120 Senior Membershp
$150 Individual Membership (Updated for 2023)
$200 Family Membership (Updated for 2023)
$60 Student Membership
Members who have 25 years of continuous membership pay $58 (National Dues Only)
Club Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations
View the current club Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules & Regulations.