Test your defensive pistol skills and shooting tactics through competition.

Put Your Pistol Skills to the Test
This year we will be utilizing on-line registration and electronic scoring. This will allow for more proficient, accurate registration and quicker posting of the scores.
Participants, please visit https://clubs.practiscore.com/. Scroll down and find our match, which will be labeled CHRISTIANSBURG IWLA ACTION PISTOL, click on the link and fill out the registration form.
Gear You Will Need
- Pistol or revolver in a caliber of 9mm or greater. Revolver barrel lengths are limited to 4.5in or less – no magnums please. All handguns must be practical for defensive use. Guns that have been modified for competition with optical sights or compensators etc, are not allowed.
- Standard belt mounted holster. No small of back models or cross draws.
- At least 3 magazines for autos, or 3 speedloaders for revolvers. Belt mounted magazine carriers are recommended but not required.
- Concealment garment that fully covers the holstered handgun.
- Eye and ear protection is required for all competitors and spectators.
Test your defensive pistol skills in a simulated tactical environment
6 Stages with cardboard silhouette, moving and steel reaction type targets. Round count is usually around 90.
All strings of fire are timed. Strings normally start by drawing from the holster, and reloads are usually performed while on the clock.
Shooting while stationary, or on the move. Shooting around walls, through windows, over barrels.
When you arrive for a match as a new shooter or if you are new to the club, ask for Scott Woodrum or another safety officer so that we can introduce you to the property and guide you to the shooter’s meeting and safety briefing. We welcome all new shooters!
When and Where
- Matches are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month from March to October.
- Registration is required online at https://clubs.practiscore.
com/. Search for Christiansburg IWLA for the upcoming match. - The shooter’s meeting and safety briefing at 9:00am. The match begins immediately thereafter.
- The match fee is $15.00 for members and $20 for non-members.
- Water and restrooms are provided.
New Shooters
- If you are a new shooter or if you’re unfamiliar with Action Pistol competitions, please contact Scott Woodrum for detailed information on the format and rules.
Check Out Our Pistol Bays
Click here for previous Action Pistol Info
To request more information about the IWLA Action Pistol matches, please contact Scott Woodrum.