Christiansburg Izaak Walton League of America

Upcoming Events

Fellow Ikes

We have a few events coming up:

  1. Saturday 3/30 @ 8:00 AM – Adopt a Highway Cleanup: Meet at the park entrance and bring gloves.
  2. April 9 & 10 @ 8:30-3:00 – Storm Water Days: Every 7th grader (700 students) in the county will come through the park in 2 days to learn about urban and agricultural impacts on the environment. We will run 2 stations. One will be the trout run where we talk about trout habitat and needs and then let the kids feed the fish. Another will be a casting station where we let the kids try different types of fishing rods. There are morning and afternoon sessions each day (9:30-11:30 and 12:15-2:15). If you would like to help, let me know. ALL RANGES CLOSED UNTIL 3:00PM EACH DAY
  3. April 13 or 14  – Pond Stocking: Exact day and time still to be determined, but I’ll need help moving 600 trout from the raceway to the pond.
  4. April 21 @ 10:00-5:00- Kids Fishing Rodeo: We will need help parking cars, preparing food, helping kids with lines, etc. The plan is to just let the kids fish, and at the end give out as many lifetime hunting/fishing license as possible. More details to follow.

Mike Brosius